Dreams Achieved– God is Always On Time!
Nearly 20 years ago, both of these ladies came into my work life.
They’ve both been a tremendous blessing to me, my staff members, and so many of the families and children we’ve served over the years.
Charlene moved here from out of town and I was able to help her and her family buy their first home here and she also became a PreK teacher at one of my childcare centers. In fact, the first one I ever owned. She was a great teacher, too!
Fast forward after many years and several position changes – across different locations I have opened, I was able to help her become the owner of her very own school.
And for just about as long, Darlene (Charlene and Darlene ) has been my Health Care Consultant helping advise me on sickness policies, medication administration certifications, CPR, and all things necessary to keep our children and families safe.
We’ve all spent countless hours together serving children and families.
Well today was a BIG day as a Real Estate Broker, Business Coach, Childcare Colleague, Friend, and otherwise ‘guide’.
I was able to help Charlene retire and sell her school.
I was also able to help Darlene accomplish her long time dream of owning her own school.
It’s official.
Today was the day. What a journey of accomplishments for so many.
Celebrating BIG time RESULTS from being around the right people, having the right conversations, and helping them live their good life!